Reseating a Toilet


Reseating a Toilet, A Step-by-Step Guide: A wobbly or leaking toilet can be a frustrating issue, but fear not! With a few simple steps, you can reseat your toilet and restore stability. Whether you’re replacing an old wax ring or resetting the toilet after a repair, follow this comprehensive guide to ensure a secure and leak-free fixture.

Why Reseating a Toilet?

  1. Worn Wax Ring: Over time, the wax ring that seals the base of the toilet against the drain opening can wear out, leading to leaks.
  2. Wobbly Toilet: If your toilet wobbles or rocks, it’s essential to reseat it to prevent further damage and potential leaks.

Tools You’ll Need

  • Bucket and sponge
  • Adjustable wrench or channel-lock pliers
  • Putty knife
  • Old newspaper
  • Wax ring
  • Toilet floor bolts (if needed)

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Shut Off the Water:
    • Locate the fixture shut-off valve near the bottom of the toilet or use the main shut-off valve.
    • Turn the handle clockwise to shut off the water.
    • Flush the toilet to relieve pressure and empty most of the water from the tank.
  2. Disconnect the Supply Line:
    • Unscrew the flexible supply tube connected to the toilet’s fill valve.
    • Use channel-lock pliers if needed.
    • Soak up any remaining water in the tank and bowl using a sponge or rag.
  3. Remove the Tank Lid:
    • Set it aside safely.
    • Ensure both the tank and bowl are as dry as possible.
  4. Pop Off the Nut Caps:
    • Use a putty knife to pop off the nut caps covering the floor bolts.
  5. Lift and Remove the Toilet:
    • Carefully lift the toilet bowl off the floor bolts.
    • Set it aside.
  6. Remove the Old Seal:
    • Scrape off any old wax stuck to the bottom of the toilet using a putty knife.
    • Clean the area thoroughly.
  7. Replace the Wax Ring:
    • Position a new wax ring over the drain opening.
    • Twist and rock the toilet seat to spread the wax evenly.
  8. Reposition the Toilet:
    • Lower the toilet bowl gently over the floor bolts.
    • Press down firmly and sit on the bowl to ensure proper seating.
    • Replace washers and nuts over the bolts.
    • Tighten them with a one-quarter turn using an adjustable wrench.
  9. Caulk Around the Base:
    • Apply tub and tile caulk to seal any gaps between the toilet base and the floor.
    • Wipe away excess caulk.

Safety Note

Lifting a toilet can be heavy and cumbersome. If you have back issues, consider seeking assistance.


Reseating a Toilet, Following these steps, you’ll successfully reseat your toilet, ensuring stability and preventing leaks. Your bathroom throne will be back in top form!

Remember, a well-seated toilet is a happy toilet

How To Move A Toilet