Toilet or sink next to bath

Finding the Right Balance

When designing your bathroom, the placement of fixtures plays a crucial role in both functionality and aesthetics. The decision of whether to place the toilet or sink next to the bath involves several considerations. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of each arrangement and provide some design tips to help you create a harmonious bathroom space.

1. The Pros and Cons

Toilet Next to Bath: Pros and Cons

  • Space Efficiency: Placing the toilet next to the bath can be space-efficient, especially in smaller bathrooms. It allows you to keep all plumbing fixtures on one wall, saving valuable floor space.
  • Visual Continuity: Having the toilet and bath side by side creates visual continuity. It can make the bathroom feel cohesive and streamlined.
  • Building Code Requirements: According to building codes, the minimum requirements for a shower should be 36 by 36 inches, whereas the toilet should have 15 inches available from the center in all directions. Due to these specifications, homeowners often prefer to have the toilet next to the bath to create enough room for adding a sink and occasionally a bathtub.

Sink Next to Bath: Pros and Cons

  • Hygiene and Convenience: Placing the sink next to the bath allows easy access for washing hands and face after using the toilet or bath. It’s a practical arrangement for maintaining hygiene.
  • Privacy: Separating the sink from the toilet and bath provides more privacy. Guests or family members can use the sink without being directly next to the toilet.
  • Design Flexibility: When the sink is separate, you have more flexibility in choosing its location. You can position it based on aesthetics, available space, and plumbing considerations.

2. Ideal Spacing

Toilet and Sink Spacing

  • Toilet: The minimum recommended spacing between the toilet and any adjacent fixture (such as the bath or sink) is 15 inches. However, for more comfort, consider allowing 18 inches of clearance if space permit.
  • Sink: The sink should ideally have enough space for comfortable use. Aim for at least 24 inches of clearance on each side of the sink to allow for handwashing and other tasks.

3. Design Tips

Visual Separation

  • If you choose to place the toilet and bath next to each other, create visual separation. Use different materials, colors, or even a partial wall to distinguish the bath area from the toilet area. This prevents the bathroom from feeling cramped and visually cluttered.
  • Consider installing a frosted glass partition or a pocket door between the sink and the toilet/bath area to maintain privacy without sacrificing openness.

Functionality and Flow

  • Prioritize functionality. Ensure that the sink is conveniently located for handwashing and grooming tasks.
  • Consider the flow of movement within the bathroom. Arrange fixtures so that there’s a logical sequence from toilet to sink to bath.


When deciding whether to place the toilet or sink next to the bath, weigh the pros and cons based on your specific needs and preferences. Remember that every bathroom layout is unique, so adapt these guidelines to suit your space. Whether you choose continuity or separation, thoughtful planning will result in a well-designed and functional bathroom.

I hope you find this article helpful! If you have any other topics related to bathroom design or fixtures, feel free to ask.

Toilet Or Vanity Next To Shower